I'd like to introduce you to my Fiance Joshua Burdette. (That's him up there!)
Joshua is from South Carolina and came to Peru in August 2006 to do missions before seminary. He originally intended to stay 10 months but providentially decided to stay 7 months longer. We met on his birthday (he's only ten days younger then me) and became friends. He took an interest in learning French so when we found the time during our busy schedules teaching at SALI we would do lessons and conversation.
The interns are very tight we were all living in the same building working together, and doing ministry together. Joshua and I seems to gravitate toward one another more than I had with any of the other interns. We had such similar interests, views and life goals. With each conversation I found myself thinking "Huh, you too?". With much thought prayer and counsel we began dating.
We both desire to enter into a covenant marriage centered on Christ, serving one another in the way that God has called. We are committed to laying down our individual desires to serve God and one another more than ourselves. We have tried to absorb what marriage really mean through pre-marital counseling with Pastors and their wives whom we trust to teach us the word and how that will apply in our marriage. Understanding the deep commitment we have to one another, becoming sanctified together as an offering of sacrifice to the Lord, and using that as a model in how we serve others, we have been freed to love one another in a deeper way administering all the grace and mercy Christ has for us.
We were engaged on New Year's Eve 2007 and we will marry in July 2008. Joshua is in Philadelphia to work until he starts Seminary at Westminister in the fall. I will remain in Peru until May to finish my work here. Please pray for us during this time of distance.
My work in Peru has been very fruitful as of late. I have committed to working with the youth group at my church in Arevalo counseling the teen girls and visiting their parents many of them non-christians. I have made many friends with my students and juggle my time helping them with their English and getting to know each other. I am also getting back into French I have several conversation partners and I hope to take a certification exam to help me teach.
I hope all is well wiand I am praying for each and every one of you.